The Franchisees
Two film-loving friends devour entire franchises, tracing their theatrical rise, direct-to-video-fall, and occasional redemption. Banter, bits, and bad impressions follow.
The Franchisees
if.... (1968)////RIP David Lynch
The Franchisees
Season 29
wow jeez sorry it's late again ahh jeez guys I'm really running out of excuses here!
please enjoy this episode on Lindsay Anderson's 1968 film IF...., not to be confused with the disgusting John Krasinski's IF (2024) and the even more disgusting Marvel's WHAT IF... ?
we also take time to talk about the life and work of our beloved David Lynch who passed away earlier this week. sometime soon we promise we'll do a full David Lynch episode where we needlessly rank his entire filmography.
join us next week for the 2nd film in the Mick Travis trilogy, O LUCKY MAN!