The Franchisees
Two film-loving friends devour entire franchises, tracing their theatrical rise, direct-to-video-fall, and occasional redemption. Banter, bits, and bad impressions follow.
Podcasting since 2022 • 132 episodes
The Franchisees
Latest Episodes
Toy Story 2 (1999) (with Valerie Keaton)
1999 was a legendary, leeeggggendary year for cinema. And animation is cinema, no matter what those film snobs tell you! Please, please for the love of god accept that animation is cinema so that Guillermo del Toro can take a brea...
Season 30
Toy Story (1995)
It's our 30th Franchise! Wow, time sure does fly when you're having fun... and there's nothing more fun than toys. What if these toys had a story of their own? Well you're in luck. Back in 1995, future-disgraced animator John Lasseter and compa...
Season 30
Britannia Hospital (1983)
The Mick Travis trilogy concludes in hilarious, sometimes baffling fashion. We also talk about EMILIA PÉREZ, HARD TRUTHS, "trade wars" and "juice lips"Join us next week for a new franchise: TOY STORY
Season 29
O Lucky Man! (1973)///Oscar Nominations
Mick Travis is back in O LUCKY MAN!, at least some version of Mick Travis. Join him on an epic journey through the hellish and bizarre landscape of 70s Britain. From coffee salesman to superstar, and many stops along the way. This is a sprawlin...
Season 29